Ferenc Laczó

September 1, 2015

Ferenc Laczó (PhD 2011), currently assistant professor in modern and contemporary European history at Maastricht University, formerly lecturer in the same function (2015 to 2016), before that researcher at the Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena (2010 to 2015).​

"Its intellectual quality and exceptional diversity makes the Department of History one of the most fascinating places for historical scholarship on the European continent. For a critical dialogue about the continued relevance of the past and the innovative study of East Central and Southeastern Europe in particular, the Department has clearly established itself as a top venue. The research of its faculty members balance a thorough study of historical sources with theoretical and methodological sophistication. The programs of the department combine in-depth knowledge of varied histories and cultures with comparative and transnational agendas. Last but not least, a single year in the heart of an exciting but eminently affordable European metropolis already ought to ensure that you would have relevant professional contacts – not to mention intimate friends – all over the Istanbul-Berlin-Moscow triangle and probably even beyond."
